Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Adding surgical videos to the residents' portfolio

By Dr. Eduardo Mayorga

In a past blog we talked about how we use Google Docs for enhancing reflective learning.
Today we will see how we take this reflective learning to the operating room.

At our residency, residents must record on video all their surgery. Every week they must choose 2 segments: the one they feel was their best performance and the one they think was their worst. They must upload these segments to Youtube.

On a Google Docs spreadsheet they record the date, instructor, link to the video and reflection on their performance.

This is  not only useful for the resident that reflects on his or her performance, but it also helps build a video collection for training other residents.

Adequate sharing settings are setup up to assure privacy.


  1. Great idea!
    In a brief analysis of a small sample of residents of ophthalmology and ophthalmologists the dominant learning style that we have found was the Active Experimentation and Concrete Experience styles and not so much the other two (lesser the Abstract Conceptualization as expected).
    All learning activities that foster reflection are very appealing to me as they also enhance team interaction and sense of community of practice.
    Adding the use of internet based tools seems to be even more fun!
    This portrays very well how ICT match so well brilliant learning/teaching strategies.

  2. That is a really helpful Idea Dr.Eduardo. I have gained myself watching my surgical mistakes and not repeat them.

    At LVPEI, we do have a wonderful system to record all surgeries even in the Fellow OR. We have a SONY DVR that also supports HD. All complicated surgeries are reviewed and discussed. As a student it gives us an opportunity to learn from the pitfalls and gain confidence.
